New Things 2024

Stairs This year, the board selected Universal Fibreglass for the replacement of aging metal stairs that build wood stairs covered in fibreglass, exactly the like ones they built three years ago...

Friday, 09 December 2016 03:15

Heat Issues During Severe Winter Cold

During this time of extreme cold (-30 degree weather), the radiated heat system can only keep your unit at 18 - 20 degrees Celsius. This is normal and it means if your thermostat is set at 25, it will likely only warm to a maximum 20 degrees. If you require higher temperatures, you may need to wear additional layers of clothing or supplement the building heating system with an electric space heater (gas or other fuel sources are a fire hazard and against our bylaws).

To get the most out of the heating system:

  • ensure furniture, beds, drapes and other items are not blocking the heating system.
  • ensure the fireplace flue is in the closed position (when not in use) and cover the opening of the fireplace.

If you are concerned that your unit is not properly heated, before calling please check the radiant pipes. When warm or hot, they are likely working properly even though your unit may not be the temperature you desire. Please be aware that when you request a service call after-hours and the system is working properly, the unit owner is responsible for the after-hours plumber invoice.
If the radiant pipes are cold or fluid is seen leaking from the pipes, contact Simco Management immediately.*

During business hours: 403.234.0166 ext. 4022   (follow voicemail instructions if no answer)
After business hours: 403.230.4814
Stay warm everyone!
*Please note: thermostats and the heating systems are common property and are the responsibility of the Condominium Corporation, as outlined in our 1998 by-laws. Changes in any one unit can effect every resident in the building so authorized contractors must be used. Any owners making changes to thermostats or the radiant heating system in their unit are responsible for inspection and resulting repair costs by the Southampton Green Condominium Corporation’s authorized contractors.

Read 7956 times Last modified on Friday, 13 January 2017 18:37


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