New Things 2024

Stairs This year, the board selected Universal Fibreglass for the replacement of aging metal stairs that build wood stairs covered in fibreglass, exactly the like ones they built three years ago...

Sunday, 16 October 2011 12:00

All Spruced Up

In the last 3 years, Southampton Green has made many improvements including the completion of our window and patio door replacements by Lux Windows. This year, the complex's wood siding was painted and repaired. New front entrance handrails have been installed, and common area hallway rugs were replaced. This October the common area hallways will be painted including unit doors.


Our main entrance roadway has been repaved and two new garbage enclosures have been erected. Our Cedar shingle mansards are going through some adjustments and repairs. Overall the cedar shingles are in good order and should do us for another few years.

Overall the property is looking quite chipper and new. Next year will see continued developments. We thank all those who were apart of our transformation including RPC Construction, Tayo Construction, Lux Windows, Westpoint Construction, CalDek Sundeck Systems and Skyline Roofing.

Read 9386 times Last modified on Tuesday, 03 May 2016 15:45


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