During this replacement, owners and residents will be required to prevent anyone from scratching or marking any words, or other undesirable defacement of the pads. If this happens, that owner will be responsible for the whole replacement of that pour and the removal and re-pouring of a new pad. Please keep your children away from these areas as they are installed.
Next is the laundry room upgrades. SHG in consultation with Coin-a-matic Laundry Services, will be installing a new card system for running the laundry machines rather than using coins. A machine will be installed at the clubhouse to allow residents to add onto a card much like a debit card, an amount of credits. You can use either a credit card or debit card to add those funds to the card. Once you have those credits on the Coin-a-matic card, you can use them at the laundry machines. No longer do you have to make sure you have the right amount of coins to use the system. This also prevents people from stealing from the laundry machines, something that has happened in the past. With this new card system comes new machines as well.
Along with this new laundry system, the board has approved the installation of a fob system for entry to the clubhouse. This will role out for this building first, along with a select group of pods for front and back door entry. In time all buildings will be going to this new security system. Because the Clubhouse will be first, all residents will be given a fob so that they can use the Coin-a-matic debit system.
The board has approved the replacement of the garbage enclosure in front of building 1. It has come of age and now needs to be replaced.
Lastly, as always we will be cleaning common area carpets. This will begin in sometime in May.