New Things 2024

Stairs This year, the board selected Universal Fibreglass for the replacement of aging metal stairs that build wood stairs covered in fibreglass, exactly the like ones they built three years ago...

Tuesday, 05 July 2016 08:40

New Entry Door System

The Board of Directors, is pleased to announce the installation of a new intercom and fob system for Southampton Green.

The first phase of the project is to install a fob system on the clubhouse, to collect detailed information and to distribute 2 fobs to each unit at no cost. Owners will need to fill out forms that will be mailed out. If you do not get your package, you can log in to the owners area, download the forms, fill them out and present them with your picture ID on the dates below. Distribution of the fobs will take place in the clubhouse party room on:

  • Wednesday July 20, 2016 – 2pm – 5:30pm
  • Thursday July 21, 2016 – 2pm – 5:30 pm
  • Do not forget to bring your picture ID and completed paperwork with you

This initial phase is very important as we have installed a laundry card machine just inside the entrance to the clubhouse. Anyone who uses the laundry at Southampton Green will need access to this laundry card machine in order to put funds on their laundry card to use the machines. A laundry card and brochure will be provided to you during the dates above. The new laundry machines will be converted from coin to card on July 25 and be completed that week.

As of August 1, 2016 the clubhouse lock will be removed and access will be only via fob. If you would like to return your clubhouse key you may do so on the above dates and times so long as it is accompanied by a copy of the receipt. Simco accounting will mail out refunds after all of the information has been verified.

After the completion of this initial phase we will then proceed to install new Intercoms and Fob Systems at each building. It is absolutely imperative that any owners who rent out their units ensure that the fob allocated to a unit stay with that unit and not be given to any other unit that you may rent out. If you do not comply with this request we cannot service your requests to remove a fob from the system without significant work and cost to you as the owner. It is in your best interest to ensure that all fobs are given to the units as assigned. We strongly recommend that everyone record their fob number in case it is stolen or lost.

For more information, please log in to the owners area of this site. If you do not have a login, please create one now. All information must be verified before access to this owners area will be given.


Read 9283 times Last modified on Wednesday, 06 July 2016 08:49


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