New Things 2024

Stairs This year, the board selected Universal Fibreglass for the replacement of aging metal stairs that build wood stairs covered in fibreglass, exactly the like ones they built three years ago...

Saturday, 01 December 2018 11:07

Projects Completed 2018

Gas Prices

This year our 4 year contract on gas came due. The board decided to go back to index pricing since index was lower than our previous contract. However, the province had increased the tax on gas usage through their environment program, so any offset in pricing that we believed we were going to get, didn’t happen. If gas prices go up significantly over and above the tax, we may have to go back to a contract price.



At the beginning of this year the board mapped out specific projects that needed to be done and formed a budget.

The first major project are 3 building roofs that need to be replaced. You may have noticed contractors on the 2 building roof. Buildings 2, 5 and 9 roofs will be replaced. Because we decided to do all these buildings at one time, the board was able to get further reductions in cost. Hugh Thorsten from Swan Roofing created a bid package with the requirements and products necessary for proper installation. He then provided that to 4 companies who bid on those parameters.

These roofs are the last gravel based roofs we have. All the other roofs are SBS torch on Bitumen. Our warranty will be with A.R.C.A., Alberta Roofing Contractors Association. They provide the roofing industry with warranties, so that if a company disappears, the warranty is still good and another contractor will fulfill the repair mandated by A.R.C.A. We have a 15 year warranty from A.R.C.A.

Tennis Courts / Landscaping

This is still being discussed and no action has been taken at this time. With this, the board has discussed what we can do about beautification of the property like lawn repair, wood chip borders and the like. What are we going to do with the park? Should we move the playground to the tennis courts and have a park / multi use area / garden bench area. The board purchased a bench for the playground.


Because of the amount of snow this last winter and the continuous freeze thaw, freeze thaw that took place, some of our newer downspouts filled with ice and broke. These same issues happened to a variety of properties in the City. Also it didn’t help that some residents shovelled a snow path from their patio out to the sidewalk and put the snow on the end of the downspouts. This needs to stop.

This coming winter, we will need to keep an eye on the downspout ends and make sure they remain clear at all times. Unfortunately, these frozen pipes caused some damage to units which process of being fixed.

If you are living on the bottom floor, we ask that you help make sure these are cleared.

External staircases

Entry stairs to buildings are starting to wear out. The board met with, and will continue to meet contractors to find the best option for repair and/or replacement. Being that the stairs base are metal with a cement tread, the metal has rusted and the cement tread is breaking down to dust because of the salt we put on them for preventing ice. At the moment there isn’t any failures to the stairs, but we want to start examining our options.


We have had some Poplar trees that have come of age and are dying. Six trees have been slated for removal. Four in front of building 1-1 and 1-2. They will be replaced with 3 Japanese Lilacs that are more like a tree than a bush. Their full grown height should be about 15 feet. One spruce at the corner of building 4-1, and a poplar in front of building 7-3. The spruce won’t be replaced as other trees are there. The poplar in front of 7-3 may be replaced with something else, but no decision has been made yet.


We still ask that everyone who is recycling boxes, please flatten them. I and others have gone out to flatten other people’s boxes, but we really shouldn’t have to. It is up to the resident to flatten their own box. Also, we are still seeing that some residents can’t hit the garbage and leave it all around the bin. Most people who do this walk by and toss without looking at the bin and miss, or children who are small and can’t reach the bin just leave it beside the bin. If you see people doing this, and you know of their unit, please inform Raelene and Simco Management.


Two boilers will be removed this year. As like last year, those mechanical rooms will need new cement floors, waterproofing, and a cove lino flooring to prevent water damage if the water issues exist in the mechanical rooms.

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