2020 Report
We hope that you are safe and healthy during this time, and wish the best for you and your family.
Because of the ongoing pandemic, the board is unable to set a date for an AGM this year. We are hoping that at some point the COVID-19 numbers will go to 0 by September and then schedule a date.
New Things 2021
In 2022 the board did not raise condo fees, and this was in large part due to an insurance premium decrease of 38%. We still have the same coverage but with the added burden of a large payment.
Over the past 5 years, the board has taken the approach of not submitting insurance claims. This is why you see that in 2020 we were in the red. If we make insurance claims it will catapult our insurance premiums to double, triple, or even quadruple what it was in 2020. Something other condos, cities, and municipalities in Canada have been faced with. We only reserve insurance claims for fire. Continuing this policy in the future will manage our budget much more effectively.
Owners should rely on their unit insurance for things where they are at fault and cause damage to common property or other people’s units. As stated in previous AGMs, you should repair items in your unit like old tubs, seals, and interior unit piping.
New Things 2022
Budget for 2023
For 2023 the board began estimating what was required to fund the new budget. Unfortunately, we were met with an increase in insurance premiums due to the cost of everything which increased the value of the property. For this reason, we had to increase condo fees by 5%*. Gas has also become a larger factor in our budget. The board lowered the initial 14% projected increase by taking $35,000 dollars out of the budget. Also new Reserve Fund study 2023 investment also decreased giving us more wiggle room. You should be receiving your budget for 2023 shortly.
New Things 2023
This year, the board approved landscaping in three areas: the Clubhouse, the corner of 4-1 where trees were removed, and the back of 7-3, where grass struggles to grow. In various locations, we utilized Rundle Rock, introducing larger stones for added diversity. Additionally, a Blue Spruce was added to 7-3.
New Things 2024
This year, the board selected Universal Fibreglass for the replacement of aging metal stairs that build wood stairs covered in fibreglass, exactly the like ones they built three years ago at the back of Building 2-1. The fibreglass layer not only enhances grip for safety but also extends the longevity of the wooden structure.
Due to variations in entrance heights across the complex, some buildings have six stairs while others have seven. This difference is caused by the buildings natural settling over time. The next buildings inline to be installed are Building, 6-1 front, 6-2 front, 6-3 front on Nov 20 and Building 6-2 Back, 5-2 Back, 5-1 Back Nov 21. The remainder of building 5 and 3 aim to finish by the end of November, beginning of December weather permitting.
Tennis Court Redevelopment
Continued Projects 2019
LED Lighting
To reduce costs on the power consumption at Southampton, the board installed LED lighting throughout the property. On the lower levels, we installed motion sensor lighting that activates when the sun goes down. On the upper levels we installed a new standard LED light. The corporation also install LED lighting throughout the common hallways. In the months that followed, Southampton saw a significant decrease in power usage, between $1000-$1500 a month. Moving forward through 2020, we are hoping to see the same decreases and hope to save at least $10,000 for the year.
New Doors
Southampton Green upgraded the building's entry doors and frames to the last existing green doored buildings.
Entry Stairs
The board looked at different options for our entry stairs, and at this time decided to fix what we have to extend use out another 5 years. We will keep an eye on the performance of this fix, and if necessary replace.
A new treadmill was purchased in 2019, and this year the board has agreed to buy one more to replace the aging Precor.
The board chose to replace the aging playground equipment in 2019. This will hopefully be a series of upgrades to the common property. The board is looking at the tennis courts and wanted to do something about this in 2021.
In 2019 the board landscaped part of the front of building 2-3 with some larger feature rocks and smaller rock around it. We used rock as the pine trees in this area stop grass from growing.
In other areas of the property, some older trees were removed in 2019. More will follow as trees are starting to die out.
Projects Completed 2019
The beginning of this year saw the completion of our 2018 roof project. We now have all roofs as torch on and no tar and gravel roofs exist. We also have new roof hatches that will aid in a safer and easier access for plumbers and other contractors.
Projects Completed 2018
Gas Prices
This year our 4 year contract on gas came due. The board decided to go back to index pricing since index was lower than our previous contract. However, the province had increased the tax on gas usage through their environment program, so any offset in pricing that we believed we were going to get, didn’t happen. If gas prices go up significantly over and above the tax, we may have to go back to a contract price.